Prosperous Soul: Become a Master of Money

Do you want to break free from poverty, overcome destructive mindsets, and experience Financial Health?

Get started with a free ebook from Stephen K. De Silva


Prosperous Soul: Become a Master of Money

Do you want to break free from poverty, overcome destructive mindsets, and experience Financial Health?

Get started with a free ebook from Stephen De Silva, Money Health


A Healthy
Financial Life
Begins with the Soul

We often seek Financial Healing with practical tools and popular “10 steps to a better life” self-help sermons. Both of these approaches are flawed. If we fail to address the source of our financial beliefs, the same cycles will be repeated over and over. It’s time to fix our root issues, not just the symptoms.

Take the first step to becoming a
Prosperous Soul

Prosperous Soul
Online: Foundations

The official online training for Prosperous Soul Ministries, which coordinates perfectly with Stephen’s book, Money and the Prosperous Soul. This ecourse equips you to break free from the strongholds of poverty and Mammon, and teaches you how to become a righteous steward of spiritual and physical wealth.

Money and the Prosperous Soul

Endorsed by Dave Ramsey, Stephen uncovers the tell-tale signs of poverty and Mammon, and empowers you to replace these destructive beliefs with the Bible’s spirit of adoption.

Book a Financial Sozo with Stephen

Are you struggling with debt? Does it feel hard to talk about money with your spouse? Maybe you’re scared you’ll never get ahead? Schedule with Stephen to address the root issues affecting your spending and saving. Develop a strategy to break free from unhealthy financial patterns, and create a legacy that lasts for generations.

Want to join our Financial Healing Team?
Get equipped and licensed to raise up more Prosperous Souls around the world.
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Connect with hundreds of subscribers working to escape debt, build savings, and better understand the world’s economy. Free members get 2 emails a week. Premium subscribers get 3 weekly emails and access to a live group coaching session with Stephen every Wednesday at 3:30 PM (CA time).

Join our growing
Connect with hundreds of subscribers working to escape debt, build savings, and better understand the ever-changing world economy. Free members get 2 emails a week. Premium subscribers get 3 weekly emails and access to a live group coaching session with Stephen every Wednesday at 3:30 PM (CA time).

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