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vaad Enterprise council

Innovate alongside fellow Kingdom-focused entrepreneurs.

How Vaad can uncover the why behind your wealth

In the realm of business, there’s a powerful Hebrew concept called Vaad, which translates to “committee” or “council”. It’s like having a wise cabinet where insights and counsel on future growth are shared. This wisdom can come from the main lecturer or fellow peers, on a deeply personal level.

I came across the Vaad concept during a conversation with a billionaire in Central America. His journey from an orphaned street kid to a real estate tycoon was remarkable. Despite his wealth, he was in tears, questioning his life’s purpose. “Why do I have all this money?” he asked me. It’s a question many wealthy individuals grapple with. When you have great abundance, you start questioning its purpose.

While most people think about retirement or savings, the wealthy ponder buying yachts, jets, or even islands. But these possessions are meaningful only if they align with why you are alive. Without understanding your core identity and purpose, you risk falling short of your destiny and missing out on true fulfillment.

Here at Prosperous Enterprise, we believe God is raising a generation of business leaders who understand their purpose in this world. Just like Esther saved her people from genocide in Persia, Kingdom entrepreneurs can bring hope and redemption to a suffering world.

Joining a Vaad Enterprise Council connects you with fellow Kingdom entrepreneurs who understand that wealth is a tool, not the end goal, and are committed to making lasting, positive change on Earth for generations to come.

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Business connections and community

Join the Prosperous Enterprise Community and experience a transformative tribe like no other. This community, comprised of Kingdom-focused business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals, provides a supportive environment for those seeking emotional, spiritual, and financial wholeness and an answer to some of the world’s toughest problems.

Kingdom-led entrepreneurs understand that money is power. They recognize their calling as stewards on this earth.

In this community, you’ll discover modern-day Josephs who aren’t afraid to hear God’s divine wisdom and apply to the world’s harshest struggles. Support and connect with leaders who thrive mentally, spiritually, and financially, and understand their mission as Prosperous Souls.

We’re looking for seasoned business leaders. If you would like to lead or host a Vaad in your area, complete the assessment.

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