Prosperous Soul: Become a Master of Money

Support our Lifegiving Mission

Prosperous Soul is committed to improving the lives of people around the world.

Your gift ensures a person who wants Financial Healing can get the services and education they need.

Get started with a free ebook from Stephen De Silva, Money Health

Do you feel called to help people
escape debt?

Prosperous Soul
scholarship fund

At the heart of Prosperous Soul is a mission to train and empower all people with the tools they need to achieve and enjoy financially healthy lives that leave a positive generational legacy.

Through your generous support, we offer free Financial Healing services, including Financial Sozo® and Purpose Train©, as well as access to our exclusive Prosperous Soul® financial education courses.

Together, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive financially and live a purpose-led life. Your support of the Prosperous Soul Scholarship Fund is an investment in the future of nations and generations. Join us in making a difference today!
Through our scholarship fund, we sponsor free financial healing services, including Financial Sozo® and Purpose Train©, as well as access to our exclusive Prosperous Soul® financial education courses.

What We Do:

  1. Financial Healing Sessions: Our Financial Sozo® sessions provide holistic financial healing, addressing both practical and emotional aspects of money management. Through guided sessions with trained professionals, participants experience breakthroughs in their relationship with money, freeing them from past limitations and empowering them to create a prosperous future.
  2. Purpose-Train Mentoring: Purpose Train© sessions help individuals uncover and align their unique expression of identity, purpose and vision with their financial plans, roles, and tasks. By combining the principles of Something Greater and Pull Systems, participants learn to make powerful decisions that deliver clarity and motivation for greater fulfillment and success.
  3. Financial Education: The Prosperous Soul® financial education program equips individuals with essential financial skills for success with money. Participants are empowered to make informed decisions for building a solid financial foundation now and in the future. Programs blend the best contemporary financial disciplines with ancient Hebrew principles. From budgeting and saving to investing and wealth-building strategies, our program provides practical knowledge to navigate the complexities of personal finance and legacy.

Why Your Support Matters

Your donation to the Prosperous Soul Scholarship Fund directly impacts the lives of individuals seeking to transform their financial well-being. By contributing, you’re helping to:
  • Provide free financial healing sessions to those in need.
  • Enable Purpose Train© mentoring for individuals seeking direction and clarity.
  • Offer financial education to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to achieve their goals.

How You Can Help

  1. Donate: Your financial contribution directly supports our scholarship fund, allowing us to offer more free sessions and education to those who need it most.
  2. Spread the Word: Share our mission with your friends, family, and community. Together, we can reach more individuals and make a greater impact.
  3. Volunteer: Join our team of volunteers and make a difference by offering your time and expertise to support our programs.

Join Us in Transforming Lives

Together, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive financially and live a purpose-led life. Your support of the Prosperous Soul Scholarship Fund is an investment in the future of nations and generations. Join us in making a difference today!
more ways to give

Consider a tax deductible cash donation to DeSilva Ministries. We are the only organization working in the US and around the world bringing financial healing.

Every gift is received with gratitude, and handled before God with integrity, honesty, and excellence.

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If you have questions about making gifts of appreciated stock, or contributing through your Donor Advised Fund or creating a legacy gift, email us as

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