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Passing the Test of Peace


Together we stand on the brink of a great financial deliverance—are you ready? God is whispering His secrets to the church even in the face of the world’s clamor over economic troubles and tragedies. In this message, Stephen explores how Israel struggled under self-defeating patterns. They moved from struggle to peacetime and back to struggle. Many Christians recognize this familiar cycle in their own lives and personal finances—a cycle perpetuated by failing the “trial of peacetime.” We have become excellent at struggle. It is time to pass the test and become excellent at peace.

Stephen K. De Silva is dedicated to deploying “supernatural stewards” among the Body of Christ. Stephen teaches from a life message of hope for financial healing in his first book entitled, Money and the Prosperous Soul. He celebrates life with the wife of his youth, Dawna De Silva, founder and co-leader of the international healing and deliverance ministry Bethel Sozo.

Passing the Test of Peace


Together we stand on the brink of a great financial deliverance—are you ready? God is whispering His secrets to the church even in the face of the world’s clamor over economic troubles and tragedies. In this message, Stephen explores how Israel struggled under self-defeating patterns. They moved from struggle to peacetime and back to struggle. Many Christians recognize this familiar cycle in their own lives and personal finances—a cycle perpetuated by failing the “trial of peacetime.” We have become excellent at struggle. It is time to pass the test and become excellent at peace.

Stephen K. De Silva is dedicated to deploying “supernatural stewards” among the Body of Christ. Stephen teaches from a life message of hope for financial healing in his first book entitled, Money and the Prosperous Soul. He celebrates life with the wife of his youth, Dawna De Silva, founder and co-leader of the international healing and deliverance ministry Bethel Sozo.

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