What is an Orphan Spirit?

Orphan Spirit

The orphan spirit is an unhealthy mindset that convinces us we are alone and abandoned.

It’s a demonic mindset that reinforces the spirits of poverty and mammon.

Contrary to its name, the orphan spirit has nothing to do with biological parents.

Instead, it’s a spiritual and emotional condition–one that’s rooted in rejection and unworthiness.

The Orphan Spirit in the Bible

The orphan spirit in the Bible is closely tied to a lack of belonging.

We see it most represented in Lucifer, who was cast out of heaven due to pride and rebellion.

He is a perfect example of a spiritual orphan.

I often refer to him as the ultimate orphan.

What is a Prosperous Soul?

To combat the orphan spirit, we must embrace our identity as sons and daughters of God.

This brave step is challenging, but it’s required to become a Prosperous Soul.

But… what is a Prosperous Soul?

A Prosperous Soul is someone who understands who they are and Whose they are.

They live with a deep sense of belonging and purpose.

In contrast, those influenced by an orphan spirit feel abandoned and rejected–no matter how much success they experience.

A Prosperous Soul trusts God in the good times and bad. They recognize that He is good in all seasons.

Spiritual orphans cower in the face of adversity. Prosperous Souls rise up.

Characteristics of an Orphan Spirit

The orphan spirit characteristics typically present as:

  • Insecurity and Fear: Constantly questioning one’s value.

  • Striving for Approval: Overworking to gain validation.

  • Isolation: Feeling like an outsider even in close relationships.

  • Self-Reliance: Believing that no one, not even God, will take care of them.

  • Victim Mentality: Sees oneself as perpetually disadvantaged.

These traits often lead to cycles of poverty and mammon. Both of these are lesser evils that support orphan thinking.

Healing the orphan spirit

Healing the orphan spirit begins by recognizing the truth of your adoption in Christ. Paul reminds us in Romans 8:15:

“For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.”

Here are the steps to begin healing the orphan spirit:

  1. Acknowledge the Lies: Identify any lies about your value or worth.

  2. Renew Your Mind: Replace the lies with God’s truth.

  3. Engage in Spiritual Disciplines: Use prayer to uproot bad beliefs.

  4. Seek Community: Surround yourself with believers who embrace God’s truth.

  5. Embrace God’s Fatherhood: Spend time with the Father daily and journal His thoughts about you.

Practical Steps to Freedom

If you suspect the orphan spirit is influencing you, take time to reflect on these questions:

  • Do I feel comfortable in my own skin?

  • Do I believe God loves me unconditionally?

  • Do I strive to earn approval from others or God?

  • Do I feel like I belong in my family, community, or church?

Did you answer these questions? If so, you may have discovered signs of the orphan spirit. If so, don’t panic.

With the Holy Spirit’s help, you can uproot these lies and replace them with the Lord’s truth.

If you need help doing so, schedule an inner healing and deliverance session with me.

Together, we’ll uproot the lies you believe and get you back on the path toward financial prosperity.


Instead of living in fear and doubt, walk confidently in your identity as a child of God.

I know this sounds difficult, but if you can reject the orphan spirit’s voice, you’ll discover what it means to truly believe what God says about you.