At Prosperous Soul, we’re in the business of capturing windfalls.
But first, what is a financial windfall?
A financial windfall is an unexpected gain of money or assets.
It may come in the form of an inheritance, a work bonus, or even a legal settlement.
But no matter how it arrives, the windfall meaning is the same:
it’s a surprise surplus that has the potential to change your future.
Financial windfalls are wonderful. They advance your dreams and prosperity. But once you receive them, you must be cautious.
Because receiving a windfall is just the beginning.
You now have to pass the test of financial stewardship.
You have to pass the Test of Wealth.
The Test of Wealth
The Test of Wealth is when you decide what to do with your unexpected increase.
An increase doesn’t have to be massive.
Someone living on bread crumbs could see $1,000 as a life-changing windfall.
The test is: How do you handle this blessing? Do you squander God’s gift or steward it?
That’s the essence of financial stewardship.
I’ve mentioned this before: 70% of one generation’s wealth is lost between the first and second generations. That number jumps to 90% in the hands of the third generation.
Knowing this, how do you steward what God has given you?
At some point, blessing will arrive. The question is –
– will you be ready?
Preparing for Windfalls: A Biblical Perspective
God uses our ability to steward earthly possessions to determine whether we’re ready for increase.
But how does God know if we’re ready?
He assesses our handling of money.
The following Scripture points to this, plus the true meaning for stewardship:
If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches? – Luke 16:11 ESV
God desires sons and daughters who will excel at managing their wealth.
Not only does this honor Him; it helps identify those who can master financial stewardship.
We see this highlighted in Jesus’ Parable of the Talents.
In this passage about stewardship in the Bible, a group of servants are given resources by their master, who leaves for a long trip.
After the trip, he returns and asks his servants for an account of their work.
One by one, the servants update their employer. Those who multiplied their master’s wealth were given a significant increase. But the servant who hid his talent because of fear was severely punished:
But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ – Matthew 25:26-30 NIV
The meaning of these stewardship scriptures is simple: God expects an increase on what He gives.
Capturing Windfalls
In Prosperous Soul Foundations, I teach that money is a spiritual power–one that God uses to test the quality of a man’s or woman’s character.
One way we demonstrate our character is by capturing and increasing windfalls.
These surprise blessings come in many forms, including:
- Inheritance: Receiving money or assets from a family member’s estate.
- Tax Refunds: Unexpectedly large refunds from the government.
- Bonuses or Pay Raises: A significant increase in income beyond your regular pay.
- Legal Settlements: Compensation from lawsuits or insurance claims.
- Investment Returns: Gains from stocks, real estate, or other investments.
Each of these examples conform to the windfall meaning of “an unexpected gain of assets or money.”
They’re great samples to keep in mind!
Whatever the source of your blessing, be sure to manage it with grace and humility.
How to Capture and Increase Windfalls
When you receive a financial windfall, take a step back and breathe.
Too often, people squander their wealth because they’re unprepared. They move hastily, a sign of the poverty spirit, and spend their money in unwise ways.
Taking a step back and moving with intention ensures that you don’t squander your gift.
If you’re married, hold a meeting with your spouse. Involve your kids, if possible. Discuss how you can handle this increase together.
For insight on how to demonstrate financial stewardship, try these steps:
1. Pause and Pray
Before making any decisions, pray and seek God’s guidance. Ask Him how He wants you to use this blessing.
2. Assess Your Financial Position
List your assets and debts. This will help you identify areas where the windfall can bring relief, such as paying off high-interest debt.
3. Create a Plan
Develop a financial plan that aligns with biblical principles. Consider tithing, building an emergency fund, or investing.
4. Seek Wise Counsel from Scripture
There’s a lot to say about the Bible and stewardship. Proverbs 15:22 reminds us that “plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” Consult God’s Word, a financial advisor, or a trusted mentor who understands financial stewardship.
5. Resist Impulse Spending
It’s okay to enjoy a portion of your blessing, but prioritize long-term goals over short-term pleasure.
6. Invest in Generational Wealth
Consider how your windfall can impact future generations. This might include setting up savings accounts for your children, investing in real estate, or creating a family trust.
Financial windfalls are wonderful, but they’re also a test.
God’s desire for us is to master and grow our wealth, so don’t waste your blessings! Luke 16:10 says: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.“
Financial stewardship is a call from the Lord, and it should not be taken lightly.
This week, ask the Lord for wisdom on how to increase the blessings He pours into your household.