Did you know that low self-worth is a sign of the poverty spirit? I battled with this myself for years.
It wasn’t until I took time to truly connect with God and listen to His promises about me that I realized I was deeply loved and valued. This realization gave me permission to finally think positively about myself.
In Western Christianity, there’s this strange misconception about humility. Some think that it means constantly debasing yourself or downplaying your achievements.
I used to fall into this trap when I was influenced by the poverty spirit. Whenever someone praised my accomplishments, I’d brush them off and attribute it to luck. I struggled to even accept applause because I felt no value for myself.
But now, I understand that humility involves embracing what God says, even if it makes me feel uncomfortable. Today, when people congratulate me, I make an effort to receive their words because I know God is speaking through them to encourage me.
If you find yourself struggling to receive compliments, it could be a sign of the poverty spirit. If you discern this is the case, spend time alone with God and ask Him, “How do you see me?” Write down what He says and post it on your fridge or bathroom mirror—anywhere you can regularly revisit it.

Once you’ve begun to absorb God’s truths, take the courageous yet humble step of believing His words and incorporating them into your life.
P.S: For an even deeper look at more signs of the poverty spirit, checkout Appendix C of my manual, Prosperous Soul Online: Foundations.