What do clubs like the Freemasons, Odd Fellows, and Illuminati have in common?
They’re all shrouded in secrecy.
Back in 2007, when I was researching for my first book, I discovered that secrecy is a hallmark of mammon.
But what is mammon?
Mammon is the deification of wealth—the personification of it.
It’s worshipping money for the sake of it. It’s selling your soul get ahead, no matter who’s hurt.
Money is power and secrecy is a strategy the enemy uses to hold onto power.
Now, I’m sure most of you have never been part of a secret club, but I bet somewhere in your family line a relative has dabbled in one (especially free masonry if you’re in the United States).
Even if you’re sure you’ve never opened this door, it’s good to cover yourself in prayer.
To disempower the effects of mammon, say, “I see you, mammon. I do not partner with you. I send you back in Jesus’ Name.

Jesus, cleanse me from all ties to this spirit. Forgive anyone in my family who has opened a door to secrecy or exclusive clubs. Jesus, what gift do you have for me in exchange?”
Write down what Holy Spirit says and place it on your fridge or bathroom mirror. Make sure it’s somewhere you can visit daily and remind yourself of the breakthrough God has provided.
If you need help removing any more fingerprints of mammon, schedule a Financial Sozo with me. We can root out any sneaky side effects of this spirit and replace them with God’s truth.